Agri-Fab Zero-Turn Dump Cart

Have you ever tried to back up a yard cart with a zero-turn mower? For most of us it is an impossible task. Did you know there is a cart made just for zero-turn mowers that anyone can back up?

AgriFab ZTR Cart AgriFab ZTR Cart1 AgriFab ZTR Cart2 There is a little know dump cart made specifically for zero-turn mowers. The Agri-Fab 45-0449 ZTR Convertible Poly CartAgri-Fab Zero-Turn Dump Cart 1. Why is it little know? Because Agri-Fab produced it before Zero-Turn Mowers were popular and because the original price was so high it never caught on.

Well, Amazon has some available and the price is right! Originally priced at $479 it is now on sale  for $279! (It appears there is also free standard shipping)

Note: This cart was originally designed for Cub Cadet and Troy-Bilt Zero-Turns. It should fit on all MTD made ZTR’s including Yard-Man and Craftsman (247) I personally would be able to make it fit on just about any zero-turn. I may need to buy some angle iron and make 2 brackets for the rear frame of my non-MTD ZTR.

Buy Here From Amazon: Agri-Fab 45-0449 ZTR Convertible Poly CartAgri-Fab Zero-Turn Dump Cart 1

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