
“This site is not about me – but this page is!”

Hi, I’m Paul Sikkema.

The primary purpose of TodaysMower and Mycountryacre.com is not to sell you the most expensive lawn tractor, but to give you enough information so you make the best decision when purchasing the best tractor for you. 

I don’t have all the answers, I am not going to tell you what to do. I just want to be part of the conversation so you can make the best decision for you. Feel free to leave a comment after any post and my readers and I will help you.

I would like you to not only get the best deal on your new zero-turn mower, lawn tractor, or garden tractor, but get the best one for your needs.

Here is my disclosure and privacy policies for you to read: Disclosure Policy Privacy Policy

Everyone has a hobby, something they really like and enjoy doing.    Some people collect stamps, others go hiking, camping and fishing.  I happen to like buying used commercial lawn mowers, fixing them up and reselling them.  I have had dozens of different types, brands and ages. You can go here to see some of the types I’ve owned over the years: Pinterest – Mowers I have owned

I also go to the bigger trade shows and have a few trusted dealers who give me the “scoup” on the brands they sell. I can tell you the best and the worst.   I know zero-turns, lawn tractors and garden tractors.

And even better for you….. I built, owned and operated a 400 property lawn and landscape company in the Chicago/Northern Illinois area.  I was one of the first companies to switch to zero turns and the first to implement the standon mower.  These new methods allowed me to reduce my man-hour costs by 70% over the traditional methods.  (Yes, 70%)  I’ve spent more hours using and maintaining my own mower  fleet than most of you want to know.

I know mowers (and snow blowers) well enough that I am regularly invited to the manufactures factories.  Todaysmower.com and movingsnow.com have been listed as two of the most trusted review sites on the web. Of the thousands of other sites that offer reviews on L&G products only Consumer Reports rates higher for trusted information.

I repeat: The primary purpose of this site is not to sell you a zero-turn mower, lawn tractor, or garden tractor, but to give you enough information so you make the best decision when purchasing a new one. I would like you to not only get the best price on your new lawn tractor, but get the best one for your needs. (Yes, I do get a small commission when you go to Sears, Amazon, The Home Depot, Tractor Supply or Northern Tool websites and buy the tractor, but I also lose the commission if you buy the wrong one and return it.)

For 2017 TodaysMower is going to focus on residential zero-turn mowers, lawn tractors, and garden tractors.

I will also review some very innovative accessories and attachments for your mower.

Today’s residential lawn tractors are designed to mow off 1 to 2 inches of grass, 1 to 2 hours a week, 25 to 30 times a year.  If you use them this way and maintain them properly they will last you 5, 10 years or longer.  They are not built as heavily as the mowers built 30 years ago, but in many cases they are built better and they offer a vastly superior cut, more comfort, more features, are easier to use, have better fuel economy, and much lower emissions than your 30 year old riding mower.  Being lighter they are easier on your lawn.

If you are spending more than 2 hours a week mowing your lawn you may want to consider a commercial zero-turn mower.

The information on this site is accurate ONLY to the extent of the information I have available at the time the article is written.  I get my information from my own hands-on testing, my own hands-on observations, the manufactures experts, the manufactures engineers, the manufactures literature, the manufactures website, other authoritative websites, word – of – mouth, press releases (verbal, video, print) and actual owners experiences of the equipment reviewed.  If I get the information wrong, the brands are welcome to send me a clarification and I will gladly include it within this site. Brands, you can send me information at thetoolboxhero@gmail.com

If I can’t verify the facts I will state that the information is just a rumor.

For those of you who care …. I compare most of these tractors to the corresponding Craftsman model.  I don’t feel Craftsman is the best, this just gives us a baseline to accurately give you a way to pick the best mower for you. I don’t care if you buy a John Deere, Simplicity, Ariens, Hustler or Cub Cadet – as long as it is the best one for you.

This site is part of my ToolBoxHero Organization.

ToolBoxHero consists of TodaysMower.comMovingSnow.com,   My Country Acre, and ToolBoxHero.com Each site has a specific purpose, yet each site is part of my goal to help you find the right product for your home and how to use that product.  I’m here to have fun and help you in the process!

I am a freelance writer with lots of experience.  I am not associated with or receive special compensation from any of the retailers, manufactures and distributors that are reviewed on this site.  From my many years of working at the forefront of mower technology I do know some of the engineers and manufactures personally and I will point this out when appropriate.

I share with you my views and knowledge. I do everything I can to provide the best information I can. I never provide false information on purpose. But the fact is that I’m only human … I can, and most likely will be, wrong at times. Hey, it happens. But basically, the point of this sentence is to tell you that by using this site, and by reading my posts, you do not hold me liable for anything.

By The Way, Using Information From This Website

Permission is given for the downloading and temporary storage of one or more of these pages for the purpose of viewing on your personal computer, tablet or cell phone. The contents of this site are protected by copyright under international conventions and, apart from the permission stated, the reproduction, permanent storage, or retransmission of the contents of this site is prohibited without the prior written consent of www.todaysmower.com.

Reproduction, distribution, republication, and/or retransmission of material contained within this website are prohibited unless the prior written permission of www.todaysmower.com has been obtained.

In general though, I will give permission to use quotes or parts of the site as long as your directly reference todaysmower.com and leave any embedded links intact.


  1. Seamus
    • Paul
  2. royclar@yahoo.com
    • Paul
  3. Terry
    • Paul
  4. Tom
    • Paul
      • Tom
  5. Ron (Woodstock, GA)
    • Paul Sikkema
  6. Ron (Woodstock, GA)
  7. Christina
    • Paul Sikkema
      • Christina
        • Paul Sikkema
    • Paul Sikkema
  8. Marilyn Molter
    • Paul Sikkema
  9. Jim
    • Paul Sikkema
  10. Dan
    • Paul Sikkema
  11. Rick
    • Paul
      • Rick
        • Paul
  12. Rick
    • Paul
      • Rick
        • Rick
          • Paul
            • Rick
              • Paul
                • Rick
                  • Paul
  13. Rick
    • Paul

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