I know you still want the 2014 Raven MPV 7100 Hybrid Mower Generator, and no one else has come out with a product that even comes close to this new idea yet. But I also know that many of you are cautious about buying one this year. You really want to make sure the Raven is now ready to give you many years of use. So I am going to continue to keep you informed about the one I have here in Wisconsin.
I’m going to go through what others are saying and asking about the machine, what I’m doing, what issues I am having.
First, Comments that I have read on other reviews:
1. The engine is too small. The mower and the transmission is not powered by the gas engine. The gas engine only runs the generator and is sized to handle the 7100 watt generator. The power for the blades and transmission comes from brush-less electric motors powered by batteries. When you use the Raven’s engines you charge the batteries by running the generator. Even though the Raven weighs over twice as much as your lawn tractor it still has plenty of power to spin the tires on turf.
2. No-name Chinese engine. If you don’t follow the market as closely as I do you probably don’t know the name of this company but I will tell you that when you buy a new generator, water pump, gas welder, economy ATV, 4 wheeler, 2 wheel scooter or your kids new mini bike there is a really good chance the engine was made by RATO. They make a lot of engines for other companies including brands you have known and loved for years. It’s time we all get used to the fact that the Chinese engines that the name brand manufactures are using are some of the best built engine ever produced. Parts for this one are readily available through authorized dealers.
3. They took away the steering column adjustment lever. On the original Raven there was a plastic lever you could use to adjust the tilt of the steering column. On the new Raven this has been replaced by a bolt. The reason this was changed is many owners complained they could not get the bolt tight enough and the steering column would slip. The presented a driving hazard and in particular could be very dangerous if you were driving the Raven in high gear. The lever was replaced with a bolt for safety. You can still adjust it if you need to with a wrench.
4. There is no battery charger available. There is no need for a 48 volt charger. Here is what’s confusing for some. This propulsion system is different than a golf car or any of the current electric mowers on the market. The electric drive portion of the Raven is designed to be charged from the generator. You don’t need to plug it in when you are not using it. If you have been running around all week in battery mode and deplete the 48 volt batteries all you have to do is start the gas engine and the Raven quickly charges itself. The gen-set uses a separate starting battery. There is no need to hook up a charger to the 48 volt system. There is a 48 volt charging port on the generator panel…but there is no need to ever use it. Why find an outlet and plug it in for 12 hours when you can just start the engine and charge the system in a few minutes?
In fact we find that you can run around all week doing chores with the Raven MPV 7100 in battery mode. When I mow the lawn it charges the batteries and I am good to go for another week. I have yet to have it run out of juice.
The Raven does come with a trickle charger that will charge the starting battery if needed. I don’t expect I will ever need it.
5. I just want to mow my lawn so how good can this thing be? It does too many things. I do realize that the Raven’s blades are powered by electric motors versus gas engines on the others I cited. I’m just curious how it compares to traditional gasoline-powered mowers.
I am very impressed with the mowing quality and power available. Because it uses electric motors that are speed controlled the deck does not lug down in heavy grass. In fact the deck tries to maintain a constant speed on the blades and it does it a lot better than a belt-driven, gas powered deck.
The mowing quality is as good as any 42-48 inch lawn tractor on the market. It is a floating deck like most other lawn tractors so it will scalp on very uneven terrain but on good flat lawns you will be very impressed. To use another review site’s criteria.
- Side discharging: Excellent:
- Easy to maneuver.
- Includes features that make mowing more convenient.
- Includes an electric PTO.
- Includes a washout port.
- Includes cruise control.
- Includes comfortable high-back seat.
I really like the cruise control. It maintains your ground speed exactly.
6. Is the ground clearance adequate? How difficult is it to remove the mowing deck?
It’s really easy to remove the deck. Just a couple of pins and one electrical connector. No belt guides, belts and deck stabilizers. You don’t need a wrench to remove the deck. With the deck removed there is over 8 inches of clearance under the frame of the Raven MPV 7100.
7. Is it easy to Assemble. The Raven comes to a dealer or Lowes in a crate. It is 98% assembled and all that has to be done is to attach the seat, steering wheel, rear hitch and install 2 fuses. The assembly instructions were very clear. The parts and fasteners are clearly labeled and they come in separate bags. If you read the manual and follow the simple instructions (with pictures) you can have the Raven up an running in about 20 minutes. PLEASE read the assembly instructions and DO NOT take any of the bolts out of the labeled bags until instructed to do so.
My Review:
It Cuts Very Well.
The mower will mow very well at 6 mph but I can only cut my lawn about 4 mph. My lawn is very rough with lots of potholes and the heavy unit aggravates the roughness. Yes, It has a front suspension and that works very well but the rear drops into my potholes and it can be very jarring. The ride reminds me of commercial zero-turn without a suspension seat. There is an optional seat – get it if you have a rough lawn.
I went out and mowed a roadway with it just to see how it handles long grass. The grass wasn’t thick but it was about 14 inches tall. You know the kind. Tall, spindly bluegrass that your mower won’t cut the first time. Well the Raven clipped it all off in the first pass.
I made a video mowing the tall grass but it’s not edited yet.
It takes me about 45 minutes to mow my one acre and that’s all it needs to charge the batteries for a whole week of running around doing landscaping chores. I have yet to run out of battery in the electric mode.
In high gear it will go faster with the generator running. In high gear using only batteries it will slow down on a 6-8% grade. With the engine running there is more current available for the transmission motor amd it will climb steep roadways with no problem.
It drives like your car. It has an accelerator pedal, a brake and a cruise control. If you don’t have a lot of experience on a mower you will really like this. For me though it has taken me a while to get used to. Blame it on the old guy, not on the Raven itself. I know, I’ve said it before but the cruise is the best!
The Raven is available through a growing dealer network and through Lowes ONLY in the Southeast states. At this time Lowes is only stocking it in their southeast warehouse and my understanding is they may not add it to their other warehouses this year. It will not be stocked at stores and you will have to order it out of the warehouse.
I have had my Raven for almost 2 years and have enjoyed thus far. This Labor day weekend I was mowing my acre lot and noticed 1 of the motors stopped running, but I managed to finish the yard as I was 3/4 the ways through. I shut it down to start trouble shooting and had my wife sit on the seat so I could tell what was going on and could not get the PTO to engage at all. Found out I had one of the 100 amp fuses blow. Ordered a couple fuses and replaced and still nothing, so I purchased a motor controller and replaced and and put everything back together and it worked!!!! Parked it for a week to get it back out, and again, cannot get the deck to engage. Any suggestions out there please? Fuses are good!!!!
jump out the seat switch then see what happens
Was it by any chance the motor on the left side of the deck. Strange question I know. Raven has had problems with the motor and controller on the left side going bad. You may need to replace the motor as well as the controller. The blade motors on the raven are not simple dumb motors, they have some sensors as well as those in the controller.
Jeff Meyer
Been having a starting problem recently with the Raven. Clicking noise when trying to start. Figure it was the 12volt starter battery. Put the charger in for a few hours. Started up. Now charger been on for 15 hours and still won’t start. Thoughts ??
Unplug the mower deck and see if that works.(the blade controllers and blade motors cause no end of strange problems) Check the lever for hi speed/low speed. Check the operator presence switch under the seat. Make sure the parking brake is set. Check the forward/reverse switch and make sure it’s not dirty and is fully centered in neutral. Check the mower engage switch for dirt.. Some of these seem obvious or overly simple but the complex controllers and blade motors react strangely to simple issues. As strange as it seems the blade motor and blade controller on the left side seem to cause most of the issues. I know that they are identical to the ones on the right side but trust me. I’ve had 10 blade motors, 10 blade controllers, 2 48 volt battery packs, a complete set of fuses and a completely new mower deck and every now and then something still goes sideways.Good Luck !!
First try jumping the starter relay see what happens then post. But did you have e brake set. before turning key?
If the green light on the dash illuminates then you may have forgotten the E brake or have a bad rider present switch on the bottom of the seat. The 48 volt battery is made up of four (4) individual motorcycle or riding lawn mower batteries strapped together. You can charge the individual batteries yourself with a cheapo charger. Drop the battery and split the batteries apart. Use your cellphone to take a picture of the strapping. Use your 12 volt charger or take the individual cells to one of the auto parts stores for a free check. Replace the individual bad cell and you should be off to the races.
I almost forgot. On the right side of the unit just above the rear wheel is a panel. Behind that panel are two fuses. You might check those as well as the ones under the seat.
I’m sorry, how would I – jumping the starter relay? Did you mean if ebrake was on or off? In my case off.
Neil Bagley
I BOUGHT a used Raven it had a bad 12 volt battery I bought a new 12 Volt battery, turn the key no relay click or anything else. any idea on what is wrong?
Hi Neil, I have one here that does everything including click – but it won’t move. I’ll give it away this spring to anyone who wants to drive to northern Wisconsin and pick it up…..It has the deluxe seat, deluxe tires, and 2 decks.
Neil Bagley
Paul I don’t need another I bought two neither will run the second one is like yours the engine runs but the Raven will not move.
John Petraskiewchz
I owe one and love it, cuts great no bogging down goes right thru it,just Don’t Hit big rocks, you can bend the shafts on the elec motor, that will cost you about $400.00,generator will run anything you put to it,good machine.
crawford overton
Are raven’s still being made ??
Hi Crawford, Everyone I used to contact has left Denver Global so I don’t know anything. I know they moved to a smaller warehouse and I’ve seen a bunch of MPV-7100’s on the clearance/wholesale sites.
They are discontinued.
No wonder they will not send over capacitors for the engine to charge the 48v. battery. They keep sending me battery packs. Only charges 46.3volts running. Do to your knowledge, would it be the 2 tan colored capacitors. It does not have a lawnmower deck. It was a excellent idea, the electronics could not hold up. Please let me know. Thank You.
Hi Rick, I’m a user not a mechanic. I have no access to wiring diagrams, parts or service either. I’m trying to decide if I just want to scrap this one or strip it down and install a speed control from a golf cart.
crawford overton
the voltage regulator inside of the generator at rear of unit. you need to take off seat and cover pan release screws which hold the plug panel slide it away take off cover at rear of generator. look inside you will see a thing that looks like a 1/2 a moon held in with 2 8mm screws with 3 wire to be disconnected. I got my 5 months ago be good since..
Rick Krause
The Raven project is dead. Too many issues with the bird and not enough patience from the upper management in China(Rato). Just a small group to take calls and emails. They have been honoring warranties but it does take awhile to get through. If there is no tech to repair units in the area they send parts. Too bad to abandon such a great idea! Check out the new all electric Ryobi riding mower on Home Depots site if your looking for a alternative to gas mowing from a seat. It looks to be getting great reviews. If you still want a Raven check the Web. For Raven owners looking for a great deal on a few replacement parts, check out the Surplus Center
com(tires,shocks,fuel tanks,lights,accelerator pedals,seats and steering wheels.) These are new and take offs.
crawford overton
From what i.m told a year and a half will be a new model coming out with 220 volt and a name change and many other improvements extra time needed for testing
Bill Morin
I have a Raven 7100 purchased June 2016 and it ran great for lase year.
two weeks ago I was mowing the grass for about 20 min and all of a sudden the mower stoped and then the motor stoped. I check the 20 amp fuse and it was blown so I replaced it and that blow so i changed it again and the tractor mover a couple of inches and then nothhing. Nowthere is no power at all and nothing runs.
I called Raven to no help but to say take to service center, I caller a few in aria and they say they stoped service them .
Rick Krause
I had the same problem last year and the issue was diagnosed as a faulty cpu located under the ignition switch. They sent me a new one and I installed it. I haven’t had any problems since.
Bill Morin
Thanks, I will call Raven on monday and maybe thats it.
Kurt Busch
Look at some of my earlier posts. I had a similar problem which was not the fuse. I have 6 blade controllers, 6 blade motors, 2 48 volt battery packs, one set of fuses and one completely new deck. The initial problem with my 7100 was a faulty sensor in one of the blade controllers. When the sensor recognizes an over-volt coming from the generator it causes everything to shut down, the mower and the engine. The first set of controllers and motors solved the over volt sensor but then the left side motor quit working. Everything else worked fine. a new set of controllers and motors and the same thing happened with the left side motor. This was a known problem and only involved the left side motor. At the time complete decks were on back order and DG asked if I would try just replacing the fuses and controllers and motors. Since I’ve done all the wrenching on the machine myself it seemed like a reasonable request.They eventually sent me a new deck and all the issues went away. I’ve since had the plate portion of the rack and pinion steering wear out and a call to DG produced a new plate. I’ve not installed that yet but it looks to be a simple fix. DG has jumped through hoops for me with replacement parts and suggested solutions so I’ve no gripes there. I wish the unit was a little more reliable but DG has been very responsive.
Eric Breaux
Generator will not work everything is correct
Hi Eric, Go Here and watch the videos. https://www.ravenamerica.com/servicesupport. If they don’t show you what you are doing wrong then call the 800 number listed. They will help.
Less then 12 hours on a air filter seems to me you can’t be mowing grass or your cutting it really low or you live in a dust bowl I just about went 3 seasons and just changed it. how do you know it’s bad did you hold it up to light and can you see light coming through ? if so it’s still should be good.
Aaron McElroy
It turns out the issue was not my filter choking it out. It was the screen over the exhaust pipe. It formed a clog behind the screen. I removed the cover and scraped out the clog and it ran very well. Mary at DGP said that has been the issue for several people and recommended just leaving it off. By the way, she picked up the phone on the first ring. I’m very grateful for Mary.
@Aaron, Most of the tractors sold here in the U.S. have a larger spark arrestor (that is what the screen does) than the one on the Raven. Thanks for reminding me that I need to clean mine at least twice a year.
Aaron McElroy
I’ve had my Raven for two years and I cannot express how disappointed I am in it. I hate to say this because (a) I’m still making payments on my Lowes card for it and (b) the Denver Global folks are wonderful and extremely responsive – when you can get them to answer the phone. I have only mowed my yard this summer four times because is constantly wrong with it. I got a new deck two weeks ago, but couldn’t finish mowing my lawn because the battery died. I purchased a charger and was excited to mow this weekend. Unfortunately, my air filter is too dirty to keep the engine running. I have less than 12 hours on the filter I have in it. Lowes does not carry them, so I will have to call Denver Global again tomorrow, which means a slim chance of someone picking up the phone. I really wish I would have bought something simpler. My yard looks terrible all of the time because it not mowed or only partially mowed. I used to be proud of my yard, now it’s an embarrassment.
Aaron I went through the same thing. I saved for so long to purchase a good mower and as I was making payments on this beautiful new machine I was borrowing someone elses mower to mow my lawn and then finally bought an old used rider for a couple hundred dollars. My lawn looked horrible also and I have 3 1/2 acres of it. Thankfully after a year of struggles they gave me a full refund. The company is outstanding in customer care as far as I am concerned.
Aaron McElroy
Tamara, thanks for the post. I feel like I’m starting to learn all of the nuances of the little things that affect its performance. Today’s lesson was to remove the exhaust pipe screen because a carbon clog had formed. I cleared it and it ran great. I just got another deck for it, so I hope that I’m done for awhile!
I just bought a “used” Raven from Lowe’s. It will work with the engine running but will not if I shut off the engine. any ideas? I’m mainly interested in the portable generator and electric UTV properties of this unit for my deer lease.
Hi Jim, go to ravenamerica.com. Read and watch the videos there. Then call them using the 800 number in your operator’s manual and they’ll help you. I will tell you that getting them to answer the phone is hard – I’d try before 9 am eastern. So, once you get ahold of them be prepared to troubleshoot your Raven at that time (be near your machine)
Are you saying mower isn’t running after you shut motor down? It will only run in battery power on wheels it can’t run blades unless motor is running. Also hi and low range has to be in low to mow.
The Raven would do everything it was supposed to do, but not operate in electric mode. I could not move without the motor running. I was not trying to mow, just drive the Raven. I did get to try to mow, since it did everything else, but it stopped moving after about 30 minutes of mowing. The motor continued to run but it would not go forward or backward. I’ll be calling tomorrow to see if I can reach them.
Hi Jim, I’ll guess that used one has the original batteries and that’s causing the issue. Tell them you were you bought it and they may help on the cost. They will at least troubleshoot it for your. Be patient, it sometimes take me 30 minutes for them to pick up the phone.
Hey all you Raven owners! I found a forum for Raven that would love more members! https://raven-mpv.proboards.com/
If they only made it easier to get hold of them it may not be a real issue so far mine is going on 3 summers and had 1 service call to home he fixed the controller which makes both blades turn and like I said runs great.
Eric Breaux
I have a raven 7100. Was mowing and the motor for the left blade stopped . Got a new one but still not working any suggestions.
Hi Eric, Get back with Denver Global. It’s still under warranty so they will work with you until it’s fixed. I know they can be hard to get a hold of sometimes.
I have had that happen several times. Denver Global always comes and just replaces the entire deck. They are great when you reach them, but they’re nearly impossible to reach.
Eric Breaux
I replaced a part in the deck because left motor stopped working. Mowed twice and it stopped again..
@Eric, I’m hoping to talk to DGC in October to discuss the Raven, I’ll bring that up.
I purchased the Raven 7100 over a year ago. Loved the concept and loved the mower when it was working but in that time they replaced the deck twice, the battery twice, some pins and a new mower. When I put the new deck on the new mower (yes they had to replace deck again) and started mowing it would be going along and then the machine would just stop while motor and mower were going. The battery wasn’t recharging itself. Well even though it was over a year since I purchased the first one they gave me a full refund and I sent the mower back. I have never worked with such an outstanding company as far as customer service goes and their eagerness to make things right but I do believe that there are still too many bugs in the system but look forward to one day them getting it aced. I just don’t have time to keep having break downs.
Hi Tamara, Yes, I love the concept and I hope other brands will start using a battery/gen set idea. The real problem as I see it is people are not willing to pay for the heavy-duty/industrial batteries, motors and electronics. And as long as fuel prices stay below $5 a gallon they won’t spend the extra money. For most people price is still way more important than ecology.
Mark make sure plug is pushed in for deck and locks also check fuses under your seat.
I have a 2014 MPV7100s that I have run the heck out of for over 2 years. The only problem was last week the deck motor or controller went out. Figured this would cost a grand or so but when I called Kim in customer care they sent a tech today and did a whole deck swap for free!! ABSOLUTE fantastic customer service and proof they stand behind their product. The guys that came were like some NASCAR crew and did some other misc stuff, air filter, pvc filter, new deck pins etc etc and gone in about 20 mins! For people not familiar with these, they are a high end mower, portable power utility vehicle. It is not an ATV though it has some rough terrain capabilities. The high range is a feature not needed as it’s just too fast for grass cutting. Great machine and their customer care process is 2nd to none!! Anyone know if they are on the public traded stock market?
First my wife got the blades of my Raven wrapped around some old lawn fabric, but I pulled the deck and removed that. It didn’t seem like a problem and the mower started right up and the blades engaged and I was cutting grass. I made a pass through some high grass on a field path without problems. The cut was less than good (understandably so), so I started back again to cut the same path a second time. It was already cut once so it was a pretty easy cut. Then the PTO disengaged (the blades stopped) and I was unable to start them again. There was no clunk or noise when it happened; it just cut out. The blades spin freely. Is there any kind of fuse or shear pin or any obvious suspect?
Hi Mark, Please call the company. The phone number is in your manual. If you lost your manual you can get a copy at https://www.ravenamerica.com/ in the support tab.
I have a 1 year old 7100 and up until yesterday it has always worked great on the 2 1/2 acres that I cut. Now when I mow, the engine just stops every few minutes. It starts just fine but continues to stop for no apparent reason. At first I thought it would be the operator presence switch (seat safety switch) but I removed it from under the seat and temporarily secured it in the closed/depressed position. The stopping is still happening. Now it runs fine in forward until I engage the blades then the engine quits again. Putting the mower in neutral and engaging the blades works until I shift into forward and the engine stops. Calling Raven and/or DGB has been trying but once you get through the music on hold (about 40 minute wait) they are very helpful. We ruled out low engine oil, blown 100 amp fuse and operator presence switch and settled on a bad 48V battery which they are shipping to me now. The unit works fine in battery drive and I’ve used it as a generator for 2 hours. The problem seems to center around the deck and I am wondering if there is some kind of thermal cut-out anywhere on the engine or deck.
Hi Kurt, I was about to mention your racing but that Kurt’s middle name is Thomas. I know, they can take forever to answer the phone.
Crawl under and check the high low gear selector. Actually move it back and forth and make sure it is in low gear. That’s the only thing I can think of. Please let me know if the battery fixes the problem.
Kurt (Not the NASCAR one)
Thanks Paul. The temperature is due to plummet down to only 99 degrees tomorrow so I’ll be able to get out and under again.
Kurt, Did this fix your problem? Because I had a very similar issue where the mower would not move forward (or it would move forward for a bit then stop moving) if the blades were engaged. I’m wondering if the high low gear selector switch had moved as Paul suggested.
I am having this problem of the engine still runs but it just stops moving or it loses power and then stops moving. If I put it in reverse it will move and then it will go forward for a bit but then it just stops moving. I called the company and was told that my battery needs charging and to let it run for a half hour in idle. I let it run for 40 minutes, just went out and tried it again but same thing is happening. I am now giving up and putting the battery charger on it but I am thinking that this is not the issue.
Hi Tamara, Just to be sure, I think they mean charge the 48 volt battery – not the 12 volt one. If you have the 48 volt charger plug it in and wait until the light turns green. It will take between 2 and 10 hours.
Over the next week test it. If it runs for shorter and shorter periods even when the battery is charged, If that improves the situation but it quickly goes back to the problem you have, the battery is going bad. Call them back. They will continue to work with you until they get the problem fixed.
I mean this, the company will keep working with you until they get it fixed.
Well the good news is the new battery came 3 days earlier than predicted. The bad news is moving the selector switch and driving in high and then in low did not solve the problem and installing the new battery did not help either. This problem is a bit different than the ones you seem to be having. I can mow for about 5 minutes and the whole thing shuts off. It doesn’t just stop moving, the engine quits completely. It will start again with no problems, then mow for 5 minutes then quit again. Back to the waiting line for DGP.
Kurt, did I suggest loosening the gas cap. Maybe the vent is plugged. Loosen it 1/2 to one full turn and see if it stays running.
Paul: Thanks I did try to loosen the gas cap. I also removed the in-line fuel filter and cleaned it and replaced it. I finally got through to the support person this morning and we went through a couple more questions and answers – which was OK. She said she’d have her senior tech call me back which he did in about 15 minutes. When I described the problem he asked me to try a couple of things most of which I had already done. The end-all (I hope) is that there is an over-volt safety cut-out on each of the mower blade motors to stop the generator from over charging the 48 volt battery. When one of these switches goes bad it signals an over-volt condition and the whole unit including the gas engine just up and quits. They are now sending me a whole new deck. The folks at Raven are tremendously helpful once you get through to them, you just have to be uber-patient. I’ll let y’all know what happens next…………………………….
Hi Kurt, Thank you for the update. Yes, Denver Global is a great company to work with. Getting in touch with them can be a long wait but once you do they work very hard to get your MPV-7100 up and running quickly.
Hi Paul,
I live in Duluth, MN.
I bought a Raven 7100 from Lowes in 2015 when I lived in TN. It worked great, engine a little under-powered but overall had a great lawn cut. I recently moved to Duluth MN and tried cutting the lawn. Due to rain we couldn’t mow for about 2 weeks and in some places the grass was a foot high! We do have some weeds and slopes up to about 20 degrees. The Raven was working great and suddenly I noticed the grass was only cutting on 1 half. Only the right mower blade is working. I cleaned off the deak real well, examined the connections–everything seemed fine. Next day both blades worked for about 1 hour then the same thing happened. Otherwise the machine runs great. Does this sound like something Denver Global would cover? Our nearest service center is nearly 3 hours away. Thanks
Hi Rob, Yes, They are aware there are a few out with a weak left deck motor. Get a hold of them and since we live so far north they have been sending a new deck. If you haven’t taken the deck off yet – it’s just clevis 3 pins and a connector.
Paul, just FYI here, Left side cut failure is very common. I understood from the factory Tech that a bad solder joint in the controller is causing these failures and that there was a bad batch of controllers on lots of 2014-2015 models. Very few if any issues at all on the actual deck motor themselves. As a matter of fact, if you very closely examine a failed controller you will probably see what looks like a small amount of tar seepage along the outer cover of the controller, The left side failure is more common due to a higher level of vibration on the MPV’s left side. In some cases this will also take out the right controller. This is why customer service is replacing whole deck assemblies rather than sending 1 controller out at a time. Really is a stand up company to go to that extreme and incur those costs to ensure their customers are taken care of.
the amazon one the price is right if you can stand the wait. Had mine 3 seasons now and beat the sh— out of it tough machine for sure.
@Crawford, The wait shouldn’t be too long. They’ve been shipping them all week.
Bought a Raven 7100s from Lowes and it fails to move forward when the blades are engaged. Had a new battery shipped from Denver Global and it still did the same thing. It would cut a little and then just wouldn’t respond to the gas pedal and would stop. The batter light on the dash is on and it seems to have plenty of power if I switch to all electric mode and drive it around. Maybe there is some failsafe tripping that disables the gas pedal while the deck is engaged. Any thoughts on what the problem may be.?
Hi Jay, The deck will not run or it won’t move if the gear selector is in high. Do you know where that is on the right underside of the tractor?
Change the gear selector on the transmission to high, drive it around for a few minutes and then switch it back to low. There is an internal switch for mowing/transport. If that didn’t fix the issue get back to them and let them fix or replace it.
Dang, I forgot about checking that switch. That certainly could have caused what I was experiencing. I already returned it to Lowes so I can’t flip that switch to high and then back to low to see if that fixes it. I really love this mower; cuts great, super fast, not loud at all and turns very tight, but just a little worried that my issue might be a common thing in the design so part of me thinks I should just get a standard mower. Just don’t want to be left owning $3,000 piece of equipment that becomes a hassle or breaks on me alot because it is new and the design hasn’t been perfected yet. On the fence whether I should order a brand new 7100 from Amazon or just get a gas one.
Hi Jay, It’s your choice. I’ve put this one through a lot in the last two years. I did have a deck motor failure but they knew about that was bad and all I had to do was call and they sent a complete new deck. I hardly ever get a chance to use it. My wife loves it because it drives like a car. It always got a cart hooked up to it and it will pull more than anything else I have here.
Edgar Friendly
Thanks for your replies and feedback. I am glad to hear that your Raven is working well for you. I just bought one for my property in another state and will be going out in October and will finally get a chance to set it up and use it. It looks like a swiss army knife or a Leatherman to me and I am hoping it will be able to fill multiple jobs around the farm. I bought a dump cart for it and like you mentioned I imagine it will have a cart hooked up to it a LOT! Thanks for your continued feedback on your Raven, it really helps!
The raven can handle the sprayer what I did I put two 4X4 one on each side to straddle the bed. then set my sprayer on and tied it down with some straps ,the reason for the 4X4 were to raise tank over handles that,s the only reason. They did call me the other day telling me I had the older deck and will send me a new updated 1 sure enough can a couple days later was here told keep the old deck now that’s a really great company .
My 7100 just had a failure the right side discharge side blade motor stopped running. While mowing yesterday I love this thing and hope it’s not to much trouble to get fixed. My wife e-mailed them today.
We purchased it from Lowe’s in July last year. I understand the warranty should cover it . I will try to let you know how it goes.
Hi Norman, You may have to use the phone numbers. I can’t remember which one is fastest. Once you get a hold of them it should be very fast. I’ve also noticed that if you are willing to do the work they just send the part or the entire deck. All you have to do is swap out the deck. If you haven’t removed the deck yet, it’s a 10 minute job.
Christopher Cerny
All the information has been very helpful. Is your Raven still running strong?
Hi Christopher, Yes! it is doing great. I did have one motor on the deck go bad but that was because I have one of the first rebuilt units and the first 25 or so ended up having a bad motor controller on the left side of the deck. Everything else is great. I still like it and I think it cuts and mulches great.
I have been watching these Ravens for a while. Do the warranties transfer if I buy a used one?
Hi Cory, I doubt it. Factory defect warranties are only good to the original buyer.
But, I just found out that the Deal of the Year is going to be happening!. Raven MPV7100B Hybrid Riding Lawnmower Power Generator and Utility Vehicle. The order box shows 1-2 months but they will ship much sooner than that.
Myself, I would buy the black or Camo versions. This gets you a brand new one with the full warranty. I would also buy the 4 year Amazon warranty. That gives you a total of 7 years of coverage.
Order it here: Raven MPV7100B Hybrid Riding Lawnmower Power Generator and Utility Vehicle. You can order it but you will not be charged until the item ships. You can cancel the order anytime before it ships.
Bryan Seattle
I’ve had terrible luck with my Raven MPV. First one the blades stopped moving after less than 2 hours of mowing. Called raven and had a replacement fuse sent which took about 2 weeks since they forgot to send it. Only to find the left blades were not working. Had it returned to Lowes and the second one seems to have blown a gasket and is spilling oil everywhere. Again only after a couple of hours of use. Plan on taking mine back and getting a different mower.
Dandridge TN Well we have the answer rocker arm came loose push rod came out. They put it back in readjusted both rocker arms up and running. $43.00 later shop said it wasn’t covered because it considered maintenance. I call DGP the said they will send me my money and a spare set of blades for my time. I later ask repair shop who told them that they said the extended warranty I said why would you ask them first of all they never pay for anything and Raven wasn’t even a year old and still under factory warranty. But save time check you rockers at in of season and save you own time. But if it goes to shop tell them to only call DGP that who will pay the bill. Only thing the other insurance pays was pick and delivery. I was really surprised no warning ran great put it in shut it off and next day nothing. I will now check them end of season so not to be caught with m pant down again figure of speech that is LOL
Paul Sikkema
Hi Crawford, That is actually a good point for all of todays OHV engines. I’ve seen them right out of the crate with misadjusted rocker arms. Briggs, Kohler, Kawasaki, LCT, Powermore and RATO should all be inspected at 50 hours and then again at 200.
I bought my Raven 7100 late last summer. By the end of the season the left blade motor stopped working. After Lowes told me that they would have to ship it off to be fixed, which they said would take 2-6 weeks, I decided to call DGP directly. I told the woman there the issue, she put me on hold for about 30 seconds, then came back on and told me they would ship a brand new deck to me that day, free of charge! I was so excited. After mowing my yard twice, I had the same problem. The left blade stopped working. I called them and they had a tech to my house within a week. He gave me another brand new deck and said they had been having issues quality checks on a couple decks.
While its been an inconvenience twice when it stopped working, I have been so impressed with their service and their people. I feel like they took a chance to build something so new and different, but I also took a chance to spend that much money on something with no real local support. With this kind of service, I don’t regret taking the chance. It actually makes mowing fun.
Dan Hale
Dr. Dan Hale, Yale, VA. I’ve had my Raven for just over a year! I live on a 68 Acre farm and use the Raven every day! In the dead of winter I do have to use the choke. It’s starts when the Troy Bilt won’t ! We use both to mow about 12 acres when we don’t want to start our Ford 7000! The 7000’s power steering went out so its a bear to steer! It takes us about 4 1/2 hours with the Raven a lot faster! I have a bad back so the large seat is good and the shocks help also! I can drink a soda and smoke , (with filters) at the same time. Try that with most zero turn units! It mows in reverse and has a good turning radius and cruise control so I’m happy! Breake and gas pedals like a car. VERY GOOD! No Belts or PULLYs ! Replaced the belts on the Troy bilt twice last year! 5 gal gas take with a gadge, unlike the 2 gal, no gadge Troy ! If I’m to stupid to run out of gas I can go on battery power to the shed to fill up or go get gas for the Troy when my granddaughter calls me and says she’s out! Love my Raven!!!!
Paul Sikkema
@Dan, Thanks for the review! Yes, every time I use the Raven I am amazed at the turning radius. The mower turns tighter than a conventional lawn tractor and does it without tearing up the turf.
Mario garcia
I’m sorry but I have problems with my raven 7100 , Start really good , but when I cut the grass fir a few yards everything should go off , So I started again , blades running , but few yards again , Goin everything off , one of the motor come of from the deck , so is very losse , We take to Lowe’s to fixed , but they charge me for repair , but they don’t do nothing with my raven , What can I do now?
Mario: Take a look at my posts starting on June 11, 2016. If the whole machine including the gasoline engine quits it may be the over-volt sensor in one or both of the blade motors. Call Denver Global but be prepared to wait 1/2 an hour or more. They should be familiar with the problem and if it’s still under warranty they will probably just send you a new deck.
Randy Melton
Hi Paul,
Can you put a set of tire chains on the Raven to improve traction on our steep slopes in WV?
I read that the Raven has the ability to coast down hill and.that scars me. Will the electronic cruse control also limit the Ravens speed when mowing downhill?
Poca, West Virginia
Paul Sikkema
Hi Randy, There is some regenerative braking but you normally don’t notice it when mowing. So, yes it will coast down hill. It does have two really great drum brakes on the rear and you can feather them just like a car going downhill.
Are you mowing hills steeper than 15 degrees? For safety and liability reasons I will not talk about how to go up and down or mow hills greater than 15 degrees.
Here is the slope chart.
John Concepcion
West Plains, MO
Update on sleeve hitch for the Raven. An online company, https://www.johnnyproducts.com, claims to have a universal sleeve hitch that will fit the Raven. I would much appreciate any info you have on them, or comments on their “universal sleeve hitch”. Thanks for your help. I continue with “quest”.
Paul Sikkema
Hi John, Yes they have a universal hitch that will fit all lawn and garden tractors but the Raven does not have a back panel or side rails like a lawn or garden tractor. The hitch would mount on the pin hitch but that hitch is not strong enough for pulling a landscape rake full of gravel or catching a buried stump with a box blade. Then there is top bracket. There is nothing on the Raven for it to mount too. If you did make a bracket you would not be able to lower the back hood to inspect the engine.
Give me a welder and a grinder and I can figure most anything like this out, but the Raven has a ladder frame and that battery hanging in the back….
I’ll give them a buzz and see if they have figured out a Raven.
John Concepcion
Paul, thank you for info you’ve provided about the Raven MPV.
Quick question for you. Is there a sleeve hitch that can be installed on the Raven? I have a small garden that should be no problem for the Raven using either Agri-Fab or Brinley attachments (moldboard plow, disc-harrow, etc). I regularly haul hay to my horses and remove dead trees and brush. The Raven sounds perfect, but I really need that sleeve hitch. Anything answers?
Thanks for your help
Paul Sikkema
Hi John, It’s interesting that you ask that because I’ve been trying to figure out how to add a 2 inch receiver to this one all winter. The supplied hitch is rated to pull about 500 lbs. The problem is the batteries hang down between the transmission and the hitch. This is a perfect place for them because it adds weight to the rear and they are easy to take off and replace if you ever need to. But, it makes it really difficult to make a frame to attach a sleeve hitch or receiver. I’ve been thinking of using 80/20 15 SERIES T-SLOTTED EXTRUSION to make a frame to mount it on.
My brother used that to make a hitch for his hotrod golf cart and it’s plenty strong.
Thanks for the great review, Paul. I’ve been seriously wanting one since I saw it at lowes. I have a Troy riding mower but have needed an ATV lately for hauling stuff in the Texas brush. I know this is probably more mower than ATV, but how would it handle some more rugged terrain or really steep hills? Does it ever hesitate on you trying to make it up a big hill or terrain? Does Raven make any alternative tires, maybe higher ply for thorn resistance?
Thanks again
Paul Sikkema
@Brandon, The Raven has 20X8X10 and 18X8X8 tires. They don’t have a heavier tire but you should be able to find a set to fit. Myself, I just put a quart of Slime Bucket Tubeless Sealant with Pump – 1 Gallon Jug in each tire.
They are working on a more aggressive tread for the sportsman version but I doubt it will be a higher ply.
Here’s video of the factory guys playing around Slope Test. I had a chance to go up that slope and I wasn’t brave enough. The Raven has enough power to spin the tires.
No, it’s doesn’t hesitate. In low gear I tied it to a 20 foot log and it just spun the tires. The gear case is cast iron, the generator and engine are all on the rear so if you can get good traction tires – it will go.
The only thing that really keeps it from being a decent ATV is the fact it does not have any suspension on the back. When you are out in the woods it can be a pretty rough ride if you are trying to keep up with ATV’s.
I like it!
Joe, Lincolnton
I picked up my Raven 7100S today. I did a lot of googling and reading and watching vids to get a comfort level with spending this much money on a machine. But, thinking that I am getting into the senior citizen range and the convenience of electric tools around the acres makes the maintenance so much easier. The quiet of electric travel is also a biggee.
I do have a couple of questions that you may be able to help with. 1- I would like a couple more inches of height for mowing. I have some rough pasture areas where I would like to clear briars and nuisance weeds. Are larger wheels/tires and option?
2- I would like to tow the wife along to chat. Working on a tow-able trailer/seating or some kind – only in non mow electric travel – to converse and be relatively safe. Any ideas?
Thank you so much for you information and continued testing.
Paul Sikkema
@Joe, Did you pick it up at the factory? If you didn’t go take a tour sometime.
Let’s start with the trailer. A single axle will tend to bounce around and may not be a a great ride at any speed. I like this one Polar Trailer 8261 HD 1200 Tandem Axle Utility Cart, 84 by 45 by 31-Inch because with the two axles it eats up bumps really well.
The rims on the Raven are proprietary so you can’t use larger rims. I’d be concerned any way because the Raven goes so fast and making it higher would cause stability concerns.
By the way, the Raven can handle grass. I’ve mowed down august grass along he highway and it cut it clean first pass. But-I’d be nervous cutting briars, especially if the stumps are getting and inch or larger. it’s a lawn mower – not a brush cutter. If you hit something big enough you could destroy one of those electric motors on the deck. They look really expensive.
Wondering if the Raven 7100 would accommodate a 25 gallon sprayer on the back? are there mounts for external attachments such as racks room for chainsaw gasoline etc?
Paul Sikkema
@Kasey, The Raven has plenty of room for a chainsaw and the stuff you need to run it. I do it myself all the time. The 25 gallon sprayer is another thing all together.
To check the engine you need to tip the storage area back. Plus a 25 gallon sprayer full of water weighs about 250 lbs and that much weight may make the MPV top heavy. So sitting a 25 gallon sprayer up on top of the storage area is not something I suggest you do. Personally I would make a small trailer to pull the tank behind you.
Dandridge TN Just wanted to update they do sell a 48 volt charger there number is BC-48. I have mine for winter time when not used much.
Southeast PA. Any word on a snow blade attachment?
Paul Sikkema
@Peter, None is planned for this year. They have introduced a mulch plug and a cool 3 bin bagger though.
Personally I have been looking at Extreme Max UNIPLW50 UniPlow One-Box ATV Plow, Agri-Fab 45-0498 Nordic 49 in. Lawn Mower Straight Plow, and the WARN ProVantage. I haven’t decided which way is the best way to go yet.
Dandridge,TN I changed oil at 24.4 hours used a measuring cup found not 1 ounce missing but looked close at oil looked kinda funnyit may have been a break in type of oil. I replaced it with 10-30 Mobil 1 full synthetic, why change from what I been using for years in everything I’ve owned. So far no problems made a float-in seat on it to help with rear end at high speed and seat belt for me a must keep my seat on it’s seat.LOL
Paul Sikkema
@Crawford, I also use Mobil One for all my gas powered engines. I’ll show you pictures of the new bagger sometime this week!
R. Robinson
Perkinston,Ms. Love my Raven MPV-7100. It’s the only mower I will recommend. Don’t need my John D. anymore! I have had my Raven for about 3 months – purchased it from Country Home Products, The DR people. I think I will retire the John Deere. The Raven out does it.
The Raven is the talk of community, love it.
Have had my Raven 7100 for over two months of summer cutting here in virginia. The Raven has been flawless. I have used the generator to power my 18″ electric chainsaw and it barely slowed the motor when cutting thorough oak. Have hauled fertilizer around the yard on electric and use the large foot deck to carry a 5 gallon sprayer between my legs and sprayed the yard. Needed to adjust the deck in the front to keep the nose a little higher than the back for the thick stuff. The Raven has been awesome. The only nit I have is probably operator error,but when going from forward to reverse, I sometimes go too fast and forget to hit the brake first. When you do that, the safety nanny kicks in and won’t let you engage. It’s in the manual, so I just need to be better at the controls. Overall, I have had no issues, there is plenty of power for going up hills, the blades never slow down, the seat is comfortable and the steering radius is almost ZTR. Highly recommend this versatile mower for maintaining challenging yards.
Paul Sikkema
@Virginia, I’m really glad you like it! Yes! Isn’t the steering great! I have been saying for years that the whole industry needs to go to rack and pinion steering and the Raven MPV 7100 proves how well it works on a mower.
It does take practice to get used to the reverse mow if you have been mowing with a hydro previously. You have to press the bypass, move the FNR to reverse and you also have to come to a dead stop before you can back up. I have quite few hours on mine now and it is finally becoming natural.
I found that the deck has more lift than the lawn tractors. Because the blades stay at a constant speed it does a very good job of lifting and cutting the grass.
Aaron McElroy
Paul, thank you for the recommendations! I really appreciate them. I called a nearby Lowes and found they do still have the Ravens in stock. The bad news is that they raised the price by $1,000 in the last month! I actually have a picture I took on my phone of the price tag and features that I took at that store on July 6th. The price was $2,963. Today the price is $3,999. Ugh! I guess you snooze, you lose, but I’m not sure I want to pay $4K. Thanks again!
Paul Sikkema
@Aaron, The reason the price has jumped is the Raven is now the MPV-7100 and has had over 250 changes to it. The machine they have now is not the same Raven that was sold last year. Their price is $500 less than DrPower’s.
Aaron McElroy
Hi Paul, I went online to purchase the Raven 7100, which I saw in the Lowes near me in Fredericksburg, VA last month. As of this past weekend, it was still listed on Lowes’ website, but tonight there is nothing listed at all. They only list replacement blades.
I am trying to buy from Lowes because I have credit there and I can’t really afford to shell out $3K in cash right now. My current Husqvarna is out of commission and now my Toro push mower just stopped working all together. I wonder if you could make a recommendation for me? I live on 10 acres, where I mow about a little over 2.5 acres. The terrain is smooth, but my whole yard is on a slope. My Husqvarna 20HP/46 inch riding mower requires an annual replacement of the drive belt because it won’t get up the hill by this time of the season. I need to buy a mower that can handle the slopes. I’m not sure of the grade, but it’s not extreme, just consistent.
My budget (at Lowes) is about $3K max, but my Husqvarna has only lasted about 3 years on this property. I paid $1,600 for it. I thought about getting a John Deere, but I keep reading that the Lowes versions are not the same quality as from a dealer. Is that a real issue? What do you recommend?
Paul Sikkema
@Aaron, If you want to buy a Raven I would go to the store and buy it there. To my knowledge they will not offer it online this year. (Because they are not selling it nationwide) I really like the one I have here. It cuts perfectly and I have had no issues at all with it. It’s a great machine and I’ll tell anyone that. Hills-NO Problem! The Raven does not use belts to wear out.
Deere makes 3 levels of lawn tractors. The 100 series is sold at Lowes, Home Depot and at your local dealer. They are all exactly the same. The 300 and 500 series are a heavier duty unit and sold only at the dealers. They are priced accordingly. The 100 series runs between $1500 and $3000 depending on size. The 300 between $2200 and $4500. The 500 series $4000 to $8000.
I would expect no more life out of the 100 or 300 series than you got out of the Husqvarna. They all use the same type of drive system. (a belt from the engine to the transmission)
Great to hear GR has picked it up VirginiaRaven. Thanks for the info!
Paul Sikkema
@Virginia, Please keep me informed. The Raven 7100 I have here has been working perfectly. I really like how it mows my yard, the steering and the fact I don’t need to run the engine when just running around the yard.
cassidy kerouac
HI Paul
Thank you once again for fast great response.
Connecting batteries in series was a good idea, it is very good to know that there is not some fancy expensive special battery.
just a note for folks that buy MPV-7100’s, my personal experience even with lead batteries is they last longer the more you use them, I find the equipment that I use on a daily basis often get years more battery life past the “warranty”
being idle is the death of a battery so to speak. even “deep cell” battery’s benefit from being used often.
I sure would like to know about some basics, such as how the blade motors are attached to the deck spindles, if the spindles (bearings) are high quality, and I wonder about the generator, if it specific to the mpv.
You mentioned 2 blade motors, so I wonder if they are side by side, or slightly offset diagonally,
I find that mower blade length wears out as fast or faster then the width, even with frequent sharpening’s, in the past I have noted that decks with 2 side by side spindles can begin to leave a thin section of lawn between the blades.
well in any event I am more n likely sold on this concept.
best regards, C
Paul Sikkema
@cassidy, Here is a link that shows the deck and the underside of the deck: Raven Brochure. Here is a link to the manual: Raven MPV-7100 Manual.
Take a look at these and it will help with most of the questions that you have.
Cassidy Kerouac
Hi Paul
You were very helpful when I asked you about some other information, thank you.
So I have tried to follow the MPV “progress” so to speak. here at your site there is a good deal of helpful information, there seem to be many “pages” so I may have overlooked the discussion that contains what I am wondering.
I would like to know about the battery /s, mostly about the expected durability and replacement cost, also if the type of battery used is subject to “memory” issues as so many other batteries are. like use it often or it will fail at a rapid rate, etc.
also I wonder about the electric motor (s), I have not seen anything but photographs so far, I did note that you mention there is no belts etc.
so I imagine there is a motor and gears for the mower deck? or a motor for each spindle? and a separate motor for the drive? again same questions about the expected longevity and replacement costs for this ?(or all 3 or 4?)
I should admit to being somewhat out of touch, to be honest I balk at claims of being “green” when made by so many advertisers about so many products. personally, I feel “green” is 99% brown, if you catch my drift.
that said, I am a fan of the “hybrid” concept, but unless a lot has changed concerning manufacturing processes, any environmental “bonus” that a hybrid provides is most likely offset by manufacturing batteries and electric motors not to mention the resource gathering and disposal.
just how many gizmos are on one of these? there is a gas engine that powers a generator, that supplies current to battery (s), correct? then the battery feeds exactly how many electric motors? and also I would like to know about the expected lifetime of the generator and replacement cost of that.
and lastly, me bein country folk, and the trip to the nearest “authorized” service ridiculously far. are all of those items I mentioned and everything else for that mater owner/user serviceable/ replaceable?
I very much like this concept, up till now its the generator on the atv, or the welder in the pickup to get some power out to that “spot” I like the concept of dedicated power supply on wheels and “bonus”, cut your lawn too.
thank you for your time, and I hope there are others “waiting and watching” so to speak, that have had similar questions about the individual components of this MPV.
best regards Cassidy
Paul Sikkema
@Cassidy, Very few owners of lawn mowers do their own major service on lawn mowers nowdays. Most of the owners are not mechanics or even backyard mechanics. Most can change the oil and air filters, some can change the blades and fill a tire with slime, but anything else they are either too busy or have no interest in repairing the mower themselves. So just like Husqvarna and the other brands I do not expect Denver Global to offer a service manual for the Raven MPV-7100.
That said –
The MPV-7100 uses standard 12 volt deep discharge lead acid batteries for the 48 volt power system (a 12 volt motorcycle battery for the starting system) These Lead acid batteries are similar to the batteries in a golf car or trolling motor and do not have Memory issues like NiCad’s. I did not spend a lot of time with the battery pack at the factory but the batteries appear to be standard sized and you should be able to get a replacement pack from Denver Global or have someone like Batteries Plus rebuild the pack for you. All the batteries are tested individually and matched at the factory so I expect them to last about as long as your golf car or trolling motor battery. I know DEKA makes great replacement batteries that will last if you ever need to replace them.
There are 3 digitally controlled “motors” on the Raven. One for the transmission and two for the deck. These motors are electronically controlled for torque and speed. In other words when the deck motors encounter heavy grass the electronics applies more power to the motors to keep the speed constant. The motors are hard wired to controllers so you will have to use a trained tech to replace them. The deck motors are direct drive – the blade attaches to the motor. The motors are much larger than what the other brands are using on their all-electric riding mowers.
Yes, Green is a relative term, but anytime I can use less gasoline on my property I consider that green. In this case I can use about 1/2 the fuel I would normally use to mow and do chores around my property. So far the only time I need to run the generator is when I’m mowing. All the rest of the week I am running around in the electric mode. I have yet to run out of battery power pulling the yard cart, going to the mailbox and even running down to the grocery store and back (about 1 mile) I put 5 gallons of fuel in it a month ago and there’s still a half tank left.
I don’t need to use any household electricity to charge the unit so there is no additional cost to the environment or my pocket book.
Just like today’s auto mechanic the person working on this MOV will need training in troubleshooting mechanical, electrical, electronic and gas engine components. If you can work on every part of your new pickup you will be able to fix anything on this MPV. In reality most of us will treat it just like our new pickup – We will change the oil, spark plug and filters, fix a flat tire, sharpen the blades. Anything else and we will take it to our dealer and let a professional fix it.
crawford overton
Dandridge TN There is a charger DGP just don’t have any and charging port is the small round one on generator near bottom.. It’s mainly needed like for winter when most of time it’s not running
Paul Sikkema
@Crawford, The Raven MPV-7100 comes with a 12 volt charger. Just plug it into the generator panel and it charges the starter battery if needed.
Thank you for the continued information regarding the Raven MPV 7100. We are over in Oregon and had contacted Lowe’s to inquire as to the future availability of the MPV 7100 in stores in our area. Wanted to share their specific response:
“Thank you for contacting Lowe’s Customer Care. I appreciate your interest in the Raven mower.
I’m very sorry for any inconvenience, however, the Raven is only available to be sold from participating stores and at this time is unavailable in your area. The Raven is unable to be ordered through Lowes.com or special ordered through non-stocking stores.”
We will definitely be watching for the independent dealer network to grow.