Valley resident killed in riding mower rollover

A man was killed Sunday afternoon after being crushed by a riding lawn mower in the 1000 block of Manor Road in Valley Township, Sunday August 17, 2014. Westwood Fire and EMS responded to an agricultural rescue after a passerby saw a foot visible under a tractor up on a hill. Crews arrived and found that the victim was deceased. Here, firefighters work to remove the deceased victim down a ladder from up on a 12’ ladder, after he was removed from under the tractor. Tom Kelly IV – Daily Local News
From: Daily Local
J Cloutier
This is so unfortunate. It’s critical to follow the proper safety precautions.
Paul, Thank you for posting this. It happens all too often. My neighbor was killed using a bush-hog to mow his 1/2 acre lot. He was cutting on a very small but steep hill which he’d mowed for years with the same tractor. The tractor tipped, he fell off & was run over by the bush-hog.
Troy Chung
I can not fathom how this could have happen unless one of the safety devices were non-functional. The article suggest that maybe the driver was run over by his own tractor. Wonder how often this happens.
Paul Sikkema
@Troy, I left the links to the original article so you can read the entire write-up. They have a picture of the tractor there. It’s a large older Wheel Horse. The original article states the tractor rolled over on the owner. Roll over’s happen way too often. The manufactures only rate these tractors for 15 degree slopes but owners insist on using them on slopes a lot steeper than that.