Raven MPV-7100 Mulch Kit Quick Update!

I just wanted to show you a picture of what my yard looks like after using the mulch kit on the Raven MPV-7100. Remember, Consumer Reports listed this mower as one of the lowest for side discharge, mulching and bagging (take a look for yourself)

I am cutting at 3 1/2 inches and I cut about 4 inches off.  The lawn is a bluegrass/fescue mix with a lot of white clover in the fore ground. As you can see the Raven did just fine mulching. If you look very closely you can see just a little grass clippings left on the lawn. By the next day that had worked down into the grass.

The mulch kit with the metal cover is now available at Lowes.

If you would like to see the mulch kit installed please go to this article: Raven Mulch Kit



  1. Jeff Miller
    • Paul
  2. alex
    • Paul
    • Paul Sikkema
        • Paul Sikkema
  3. dave
    • Paul Sikkema
  4. Larry
    • Paul Sikkema
  5. Bruce
    • Paul Sikkema
    • Bruce
      • Paul Sikkema
        • Shirley
          • Paul Sikkema
  6. James Rathmann
    • Paul Sikkema
  7. Tom
    • Paul Sikkema
      • John Stinson
        • Paul

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