Husqvarna Group ranked among the world’s 100 most sustainable companies


On Jan. 22, Husqvarna Group was recognized as one of the 100 most sustainable companies by the 2014 Global 100 list, presented at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

“We are proud to have qualified as one of the 100 most sustainable companies in the world,” said Kai Wärn, president and CEO of Husqvarna Group. “Sustainability demonstrates caring and concern for the welfare of our employees and other stakeholders. It reduces costs, mitigates risks, drives innovation, and creates business opportunities for long-term strategic growth. The Husqvarna Group turns 325 years this year – and our ambition is to continue operating in an environmentally, socially and ethically sustainable way.”

Husqvarna Group has worked with several dimensions of sustainability, including the following:

  • Pioneered battery-powered robotic lawnmowers, which are energy efficient and produce almost no emissions during use
  • Introduced a series of semi-professional, battery-powered, handheld products
  • Reduced overall energy consumption and carbon emissions in manufacturing facilities
  • Implemented sustainability requirements in supply chain based on the Group’s Code of Conduct
  • Strengthened a global approach to health and safety, aiming at zero workplace accidents

The Global 100, launched in 2005, is an annual list by Canadian Corporate Knights Inc. The Global 100 is an extensive data-driven corporate sustainability assessment, and inclusion is limited to a select group of the top-100 large-cap companies in the world. It is based on 12 key indicators, including energy, carbon, water and waste productivity, innovation capacity, safety performance and leadership diversity. For more information, visit


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  1. jack moore

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